Monday, March 25, 2013

Yidel Perlstein, Community Board Member, exposes his family to the Gay Candidate for Mayor,Quinn

Quinn and Yidel Perlstein and Ezra Friedlander  (Lisker Rebbe's Son)
Yidel Perlstein, first Chassidic Community Board 12 member, takes photo with the Gay Candidate Quinn.
Is this what Chassidism now endorse? And what about Ezra Friedlander, the son of the Lisker Rebbe, is this what we are going to do now? Expose our precious children to perversion?
They keep talking about Tznious ....but have no problem being friends with gay candidates...
What a bunch of hypocrites. Its all about the Almighty Dollar!
See United to save America


  1. Nuchem Rosenberg,this proves again you are criminally insane,please go and check yourself into a insane asylum

  2. I am surprised Yidel is there, I thought he was a Republican. Friedlander is hanging out with and supporting ultra liberals for some time already, so not such a big surprise with him.

    Maybe Ezra was giving mazel tov from his father the Liska Ruv, the speaker is still in shunah rishoinah.
