Sunday, April 3, 2016

In Monsey Gentiles are outraged at the hanging of Haman in Effigy on Purim

The Holocaust has long been forgotten by the frum oilim in the USA!
Kleinman built a "Holocaust Center" that houses a couple of old shirts ...too late and too little and is basically a mockery of the Holocaust victims...
They have separate hours to make sure that families cannot go together, and so children of survivors cannot go together with their boys and girls as a family to view and hear the terrible catastrophe that happened to the last generation!
Instead of working with Yad Veshem to include more Frum Stories of the victims , they made their own... and it's a disgrace! 

 Stories about "Der Alter Heim" where Jews feared their Goyishe neighbors are now put in Yiddish masseh beechlich to be read in the bathroom or better yet to scare little boys in Pirchei!

 Bochrim in the USA have been taught early on, that we Jews must live in Chutz Le'aretz until Moshich comes, a theory fabricated by the Romanian Satmar sect and now spread and accepted by the Litvisher velt as well!

Beautiful homes are being built, Mosdos and Shuls are going up, in Boro park, Flatbush, Lakewood, Williamsburg, Monsey and Monroe antagonizing the goyim ..and our Gedoilim just keep coming with their electric drills to place the first Mezuzah in these monstrosities, believing that Moshach is a concept that the Novie Yechezkel made up!

The new generation has become so confident in the "goldeneh medinah" that   they have no problem putting down their goyishe neighbors and are totally immune to their sensitivities.

They totally disregard the fact that they are in Galus, and forget that the RBS"O has given us a land of "milk and honey.".........

Instead of supporting our brothers and sisters in Israel , they skew pesukim in the Torah and Tanach to denigrate those who sacrifice their lives for the families of the Jewish nation!

There are new elections in the USA, the platform of the Democrats , the largest party in the country, no longer supports Israel......
And old communist Jew who has the same shitah as Satmar about Israel is garnishing millions of votes..... the worn old hag, an avowed anti-Semite that took millions from Arabs is also running and has so far an excellent chance of becoming president! 

The fans of anti-Semitism are blowing in the streets where Jews reside all over the country...
Pre-Germany is in the air all over the world...
Jews in France, Antwerp, and in England are in danger of being annihilated, and instead of making plans to get the hell out of Jewish blood soaked Europe, Jews are playing and fiddling in their host countries believing like the pre-war doomed European Jews that everything is just great!

Just last week thousands of naive Jews went to Europe to celebrate the Yurzeit of Reb Elimelech of Lezhensk ...putting hundreds of thousands of dollars in the coffers of rapists and murderers. 
It's time to dig him up and bring his bones to Israel like they did with Yaakov Aveenu ....

Now go hang another goy in effigy!


Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better DIN our hat's off for you, keep up your good work.


Anonymous said...

Wish it were First Lady Michelle hangin

Echter yid said...

I understand its a purim thing, but if it gets non Jewish neighbors angry and upset, we shouldn't do it ,we shouldn't be hanging dummies on trees, because tomorrow they will be hanging ,Jewish dummies on trees, and we will be crying that its being done out of hate, ? So we must remember that we are still in guless, and we must try our best not to upset our non Jewish neighbors,,

shvantz said...

So there is a DUMMY that DIN did NOT switch the kep mit Aron Teitelbaum?

That is the biggest kashya in all this!

Unknown said...

Everyone should be outraged ...
Especially Jews ... What kind of Chinuch is this ... ?
We make some noise by Haman in the Megillah ... we never hung people in effigy ...
Not in Europe & not in Israel ...
When we say Shelo Osani Goy its not because he is hated ...
It is because the Jew has more obligations in Mitzvos ...
Same with Shelo Osani Isha ... The man has more precepts & Mitzvos ...
When Moshe Rabeinu took us out of Egypt he did not tell us to hate them ...
The Torah says Lo TeSaev et Hamitzri ki Ger Hoyisa b'Artzo ...
We were hosted temporarily in Egypt we have to show gratitude says Rashi ...
Hanging up people in effigy is a din Rodef ...

Anonymous said...

Lets see how the big mimcha geshtetner spins this whole effigy thing.