Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gedoili Yisroel Voting .... Satmar Anti-voting Campaign Collapses ... "Falshe SHIT'eh"

Satmar Animals cursing Rav Shteinman, Viznitzer Rebbe, Gerrer Rebbe and the Belzer Rebbe, because they all voted!

Here see Gedoilim Voting, ignoring the Roumanian savages!
Rav Shteinman on way to vote

Rav Kanievsky Voting

Rav Dov Landau Rosh Yeshiva Slobodka
Rav Yitzchok Scheiner Rosh yeshiva Kaminetz

Rav Nissim Karlitz Rosh Kollel Chazon Ish
Rav Azriel Auerbach 


  1. so nice to see how they teach their children to hate and have no kavod hatorah at such a young age. DESPICABLE. Just like those 2 mamzerim running the asylums called Willi and KJ. And please satmar chasidim, dont tell me that Aron T is a gaon, a tzadik, etc. he is an evil man.

    1. So nice to see how twisted you are, and you feel that KVOD HATORAH is only who you decide, and those gedolim who are not for your taste or have a different opinion are stripped from their status
      kanievsky is allowed to curse and attack but others not

    2. You Satmar sheigets did u say Kanievsky??!!!
      Do u believe in the Torah or u only believe in ur Rebbe.
      Shame in those who have u such a chinuch v

    3. Shame on those who gave u such a chinuch.

  2. 7:32
    Who and when did Rav Kanievsky curse?

    1. The Bnei Torah party of Rav Orbach before the municipal elections when they split and ran with their own candidates

    2. The Bnei Torah party of Rav Orbach before the municipal elections when they split and ran with their own candidates

  3. 8:33
    What words did he use to curse?
    I'll bet he didn't say "Yemach Shmo V'zichro" like the Satmar barbarians!

    1. Kanievsky also said, that all those who follow Rav Orbach are animals and Rav Orbach is a ZAKEN MAMRE and CHAYEV SKILLA! And you wanna tell me he's godol hador? A person that should be followed SICK PEOPLE TWISTED SELF-HATING JEWISH ANTISEMITES

  4. SATMAR = Stupid Anti Tzioni Mamzerim and Rotzchim

  5. 9:31
    I don't believe that Rav Kanievsky is a satmar Chusid... so I don't believe your story, because only a Satmar Barbarian curses!

    1. Here we go again, you have nothing to say? Ha you can't contradict me? And yeah kanievsky is not a satmar chasid because the satmar ruv never ever used such foul language against anyone like he's using, and btw he gave a haskomo on a book which is making a joke out of the Bash"t that itself shows who he really is
      And in regards to the above statement against Orbach, it was in the media when he said it

  6. For all those who'd like to see a frum government there, this craziness, election craziness,stamm frummie daily craziness , frummie parties' demands and alliances, blah blah blah, blah, is a sample of what it'd look like...
    I want Chayim Yankel, you want Moishe Pipp the Ippick, my shvig wants Titrzeh Kol Toov... My Rev assers yours, yours assers mine..
    S'iz lebedik.....

    Speaking of which, I don't mish on Pesach... You go with kit'n'kaboodle to non-gebrochtz ( gebrechtz, besser gezugt) hotels and chow down on chometz tasting lemehadrin latkes... AND catch a daf after you've taken a nap soon after stuffing yourself , making you so tired, so you teetered and toddered off into bed for an hour... My rev says to eat at home...So I do..!!
    I eat pickles on pesach and you don't... You snack on greasy, spongy, in your-teeth macaroons which shamelessly come in these tall, thin, tin cans to make'em look exotic..I don't..!! You love bawsht... good... You over there, yes you... you like schav... OMG ... Are you serious???? But it's NP for me...I won't rechilass yakkk about you...
    One hashgacha per product is enough for me , but not for you...
    I eat a "normal" kezayis matzoh... Some eat a box and a half... NP.... Do what you've been taught... I respect your customs, can you respect mine?? This year, for a specific reason, I'll totally eat only machine matzohs all 8 days... Don't wanna be meshadech with me??? Look elsewhere, then... No great loss...
    Or do we look for revs for support??? and machlokes...??

    I boycott Shabbos Hagodol drashas, till they darshen m'inyunei D'yomah...Not a pilpul whether a herring eaten with a piece of Ludvig's Bilkele is a tuffel to the meal and a Shehakol is enough, or do you b'etzem have to wash to said bilkeke as the ikkar? You want to go to drashes to see & be seen? Be my guest..
    Why fight and curse over it????
    We're supposed to show that differences can be respected... but no..!! We're showing the opposite.. showing who's boss... That's why more and more are turning away...
    Soon pyromaniacs will light humongous chometz fires, with the smoke, soot & filth.... A rev I know deplores this minhag... He says, you didn't need to burn especially in public... and if you do, then a kezayis is enough.. Cewrtainly not to inconvenience people for many reasons.... Not a massive tarararammmm... ( BTW... He wears a shtreimel)
    You wanna burn?? Go ahead... just not in front of my home... Me and my wife have sinus and breathing issues... Not to mention I want to drive down my street w/o cops and sanitation blocking the way... Don't force your minhag on me and I won't force mine on yours.

    Chag Kosher V'Sameach..


  7. Meant, DERBY ... Whew... And I didn't even taste the Malaga yet...

  8. To Derby
    Best post I've seen ...LOL

  9. Ignore the Satmar bafoon who comes on to this blog Just to bash gedolim. Has he offered a single piece of evidence that Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlitt'a ever said those terrible things? (Rav chaim kanievsky would never because he has seichel, rachmanus, and is a mentch. He wouldnt, as an example, tell parents of kids who were just murdered by saveges that it was their fault their kids died)
